Somatic Movement Education and Body-Mind Centering
“Body-Mind Centering® (BMC®) is an integrated and embodied approach to movement, the body and consciousness. Developed by Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen, it is an experiential study based on the embodiment and application of anatomical, physiological, psychophysical and developmental principles, utilizing movement, touch, voice and mind.”
School of Body-Mind Centering
Experiential Anatomy
Entering each tissue to get to know its functional, structure and expressive qualities. Each body-system is covered: muscular, skeletal, fascial/ligamentous, endocrine, organ, nervous and circulatory.
Developmental Movement
From conception to the end of the first year of life humans go through immense sensory-motor changes which lay the foundation for moving and perceiving throughout life.
Body-Mind Centering including detailed assessment and facilitation of these developmental milestones. This can be done at any age, and can enhance sensory-motor integration at any stage in life.
Senses and Perception
The senses are the physical organs which receive information from the internal and external environment. The process of perception is how this information is filtered, distorted, generalised, interpreted and acted upon.
The process of perception is the basis of how we make meaning out of our experience and of our core emotional and cognitive processes.
Psychomotor Integration
Embodied experience is deeply relational and underlies our core cognitive and emotional processes.
How we move and how we perceive are deeply woven together and influence each other immensely.
Touch and Bodywork
Body-Mind Centering includes sophisticated ways of being in contact with the many layers of tissues and body-systems through informed and sensitive hands-on bodywork. Bodywork can also include touch as a way of facilitating developmental repatterning.
Creativity and Art
Body-Mind Centering is being with the arts —dance, theatre, performance, music as well as in the visual arts.
Using creative materials and tasks is sometimes used in private work to help clients discover and understand their inner states and processes.
One to One Bodywork
In BMC® we are the material, our bodies and minds the medium of our exploration… We are each the study, the student, the teacher.
I offer individualised sessions in Body-Mind Centering. These sessions are for anyone curious about the body, movement and embodied experience.
Please get in touch if you are interested in this work.
Clients in the past have included:
Bodyworkers and movement teachers
Children and babies with and without disabilities
Addicts in rehab
People recovering from injuries or illnesses
High level movement practitioners - dancers, athletes, yogi(ni)s, martial artists etc.
“Deeply embracing Body-Mind Centering® may feel like jumping off a cliff, but it’s a perceptual cliff.”
Rebecca Haseltine — Body-Mind Centering Teacher
Body-Mind Centering Groups
In these classes we focus on specific BMC® material including embodied anatomy, developmental movement, embryology and somatic psychology.
These classes are enquiry-based and process-based. We dive into the depths of the body-mind process and see what insights, feelings, imagery and expressive qualities arise.
These classes are especially suited to people who have an existing interest in dance, movement, bodywork, psychology or therapy.
Embodied Functional Movement
Based on BMC material stripped back to the basics. These classes are well suited to people new to somatic practices or are recovering from illness or injury.
We place a strong emphasis on the breath, dynamic alignment of the spine, connecting the periphery of the body to the centre and mobilising and stabilising the joints - particularly hips, shoulders, lower back, and the neck.
These classes progress from the floor to standing and walking, covering the major bases of healthy movement and alignment.
Art and Dance
Based on a mix of Body-Mind Centering, Laban/Bartienieff Movement Studies and the Six Viewpoints developed by Mary Overlie. These classes can be adapted for adults and children in various contexts.
I currently am not running any public classes independently, although I am working with individuals and groups privately. Please get in touch if you are interested and I will see if its possible to find a place for you in my current programme.