My Rates and Fee Structure


This fee structure is based on my work in Austria and generally applies to the European Economic Area. Verbal agreements are common in many of my projects. While this usually works well, misunderstandings can occasionally occur. To avoid ambiguity, I’ve outlined my fee structure clearly. These rates are my default; unless explicitly agreed otherwise (preferably in writing), these rates apply. They are negotiable based on individual and budgetary circumstances.


My professional services include:

  • Dramaturgy.

  • Systemic and neurodiversity coaching.

  • Somatic movement education and bodywork.

  • Teaching and facilitation.

Short Engagements:

A minimum engagement means you will be charged for a set block of time regardless of the actual hours booked. For example, booking a 1.5-hour dramaturgy session will still result in a charge of 3 hours (the minimum engagement). Similarly, if you book multiple shorter sessions across different days, each day is considered separately, and the minimum engagement applies to each unless agreed upon in advance otherwise.

I offer a sliding depending on the project’s budget, with lower rates available for low-funded projects and higher rates for projects with larger budgets.

For short, project-based work, my fees are as follows:


  • Hourly Rate: €50-100 per hour (sliding scale — €60 by default)

  • Minimum Engagement: 3-hour block (€150 minimum — €180 by default)

  • Day Rate: €400-800 (sliding scale)

Teaching and Facilitation:

  • Hourly Rate: €75-100 per hour (sliding scale)

  • Minimum Engagement: 2-hour session (€150 minimum)

Longer Projects:

I offer package rates for longer projects and ongoing engagements. These are negotiated based on the project budget, expectations, and availability. Please keep the base rates mentioned above in mind as a guideline. The more consistent the engagement, the more flexible the pricing can be.

Once a package rate is agreed upon, it will apply in full unless cancellation agreements are made in writing. I am open to reasonable cancellation arrangements, but please note that I will decline other work once booked to avoid scheduling conflicts.

Individual Bodywork and Coaching:

For personal bodywork and coaching, sessions are paid per session unless otherwise agreed. The standard rate is €90 per hour, with a sliding scale down to €60 per hour for those on low incomes.

A 72-hour cancellation policy applies. If you cancel with less notice, I reserve the right to charge for the session in full. However, I may waive or reduce this fee under certain circumstances, particularly for compassionate reasons such as childcare or family responsibilities.

Published: 6th of August 2024, last updated 1st of November 2024
and valid until further notice.